Paying For Your Care Is Easy Here!

Chiropractic Holland MI Rates


  • Easy! Our non-insurance plans and simple payment arrangements have helped many and we would be happy to find something that would work for you too!
  • The non-insurance plans we offer in the office usually end up being more cost effective than using your insurance!
  • First visit without insurance is $150. That covers an exam, any needed x-rays & your f irst adjustment. (Unfortunately this rate cannot be extended to anyone with Medicaid or Medicare coverage)
  • Our “pay per visit” adjustment cost is $50, but we do offer packages to get that per visit cost down significantly!


  • These days, insurance pays very little, if anything for natural, drugless care to get you and keep you healthy. So we make it easy!
  • You pay us. We will send any insurance claims in for you at no charge.
  • You can use your HSA, HRA, and Flex dollars here!
  • We are in network with most major insurance companies, but if you would like to verify that we accept yours please call the office.


  • Auto related injuries are usually covered 100% in Michigan. Even if you were at fault or were a passenger, you can get the care you need and it typically costs you $0! (Deductible or limitations may apply)
  • All we’ll need is your auto insurance company and your claim number.


  • Work injuries are typically covered 100% for up to 12 weeks of care
  • All we’ll need is your claim number and work comp insurance info.


  • Medicare does have very strict rules and limitations. They do not pay for the initial exam and typically do not pay for x-rays.
  • We accept Medicare Part B and most Advantage Plans.


  • Medicaid will typically pay for up to 18 adjustments per calendar year.
  • They do not pay for the initial exam so that will be an out-of-pocket cost.
  • We accept Medicaid through Priority Health and Meridian.

KIDS RATES (Non-Insurance)

  • Teens (ages 13-17) are $25 per visit. The first visit for teens is $75 and that includes an exam, x-rays & an adjustment.
  • Kids (ages 1-12) are $15 per visit.
  • Newborns (under 1 year old) are no charge.


Our current patient status is 1 year or under. Patients who have not been seen in our office for over a year will need to be re-examined and a re-exam fee will apply. This fee will depend on whether you have insurance and what that insurance coverage may be. If you wish to stay current in our office, please schedule an appointment at least once a year to avoid this fee and keep maintaining your health!

If you have any questions regarding cost or what insurances we are in network with, please call or text the office at (616) 294-1500. We would be happy to answer any questions you have regarding a cost estimate to the best of our ability!


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 4:30pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

All About You Chiropractic
12978 James St Suite 10
Holland, MI 49424
(616) 294-1500